
Set up out office in outlook 2010
Set up out office in outlook 2010

Once you have decided that auto response should be on your pre-vacation preparation checklist, the first thing for you to do is find out which email account you have - Exchange server or Outlook POP/IMAP.

Set up out office in outlook 2010 how to#

How to determine the type of your email account(s) Outlook Auto Reply for POP/IMAP accounts, Gmail and.Set up Auto Replies (Out of Office) for Exchange accounts.How to determine which email account you use.And today, my aim is to help you set up your vacation replies. You can set it up for your personal Gmail or accounts as well, so that your friends and relatives do not lose sleep wondering where you have gone. However, an automatic vacation response is not a solely business feature. If you are leaving your office for a while, it is definitely a good idea to set up an out-of-office Outlook auto reply to let your clients and partners know when you are coming back or how they can reach you during your holiday. If you are not sure which email account type you use, you will learn how to quickly find this out. This allows you to set more specific rules.This article will show you how to set up auto reply in Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013 and Outlook 2010 with an Exchange server (Microsoft Exchange 2019 - 2010 accounts).

set up out office in outlook 2010

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you might want to learn how to set out of office in Outlook using the “Advanced” button at the top right.

  • Custom: This option allows you to upload special implementation templates.
  • Write the text like an e-mail in a new dialogue box.
  • Reply with: This can be used to set up an individual out-of-office reply to specific e-mails.
  • Under “Method” you can choose between three display options: “Standard,” “Leave message intact,” or “Insert message as an attachment.”
  • Forward: Forwards specific e-mails to another address, e.g.
  • Copy to: A copy of the relevant e-mail will be sent to a specified folder while also leaving the original in the main inbox.
  • Move to: This allows you to move e-mails to another folder entirely, which is useful if you want to store certain e-mails in one place.
  • Delete: E-mails that meet your predetermined criteria will simply be deleted when you select this action.
  • Alert with: This option specifies that certain e-mails will generate a specific additional reply.
  • Message body: You can also set up a specific response in cases where certain phrases (for example, “urgent answer” or the name of a particularly important project) appear in the body of the e-mail.
  • Subject: If the subject contains certain words (such as “Important”), the response will be generated according to your specified rule.
  • You can also specify whether only e-mails addressed directly to you are subject to the special rules and/or e-mails that are sent to you in cc. as a member of a distribution list such as a listserv.
  • Sent To…: This can specify categories of e-mails in which you are one of the addressees, e.g.
  • You can also click the button to select contacts from the address book.

    set up out office in outlook 2010

    Outlook then responds to e-mails from these contacts according to the rules you set. From…: Here you can designate specific contacts.From top to bottom, you can specify the following criteria to set up your reply rules:

    Set up out office in outlook 2010